Experience: 2030
Level: 14
Aura: Evil
Blams: 376
Protects: 4523
Reviews: 158
Responses: 34
Audio Reviews: 35
Audio Responses: 3
Exp. rank: 10532
B/P rank: 900
Voting Power: 5.61
Batting Avg: ()
B/P grade: Corporal
Whistle: Normal
Posts: 159
Posts/day: 0.13
Flash Movies: 58
Audio Tracks: 0
It will take 6204.27 days at the rate of 4.046 B/P points per day to reach 30000 B/P Points - That'd be on 23/Mar/25...
awww...17 years
It will take 21837.919 days at the rate of 1.676 exp. per day to reach level 60. (Or 60 year(s), 727 month(s) and 27 day(s)). That'd be on ...
wow you just figuered this out?